Penang Yosakoi Dance Competition 2024
Criteria & Rules
Participation Criteria
The Competition is open only to Non-Japanese teams as a way to promote Yosakoi to locals and non-Japanese audiences.
All non-Japanese Yosakoi teams will be automatically entered into the Dance competition.
All teams compete on an equal footing.
No minimum number is set for each team, although please note that the bigger your team, the greater the impact. There is also no maximum number set for each team.
CHANGES in Competition Criteria:
1) There are THREE age categories this year. Each category will have its own category winners.
a) Junior: 14-and-under (new)*
b) Senior: 20-and-under
c) Adult: 21-and-over (new)*
* subject to a minimum of 4 teams participating in the new category. The organisers reserves the right to change the categories as it deems fit.
Competition Criteria
Categories are based on ages of competitors. ie. 14-and-under means children born in year 2010 (14 years) , 2011 (13yo), 2012 (12yo) etc.
There is no lower limit to the age categories, so a 14 year old can join the Senior 20-and-under category.
Adult teams can also have children participating.
There is no upper age limit to the Adult 21 and-over category
There is a minimum of 4 members per team but there is no maximum number of dancers per team
This will be a purely Yosakoi Competition.
Please fill in a separate form for each team entered.
Non-Yosakoi dance teams may still join the event but only as performances and as directed by the organisers. PLEASE FILL in a SEPARATE form called "Paraders - Non-Competition Registration"
Yosakoi has two criteria for PYP24: 1) At least half the number of dancers must use the Naruko 2) Your music must incorporate either a phrase/ version of "Yosakoi Naruko Dancing", "Penang Sakura Ondo", "Penang Yozakura", "Soran Bushi" or any other regional Japanese folk music. Note: Use of Penang Sakura Ondo or Penang Yozakura will earn extra points.
Teams will be required to perform at least one STREET Version and one STAGE version.
Please use the same music for both street and stage version of your choreography.
Please note that the frequency and direction/ location of the dances are still subject to change by the organisers. We will inform all registered teams of the final structure by EMAIL at least 2 months before the event date.
Details of the Competition criteria will be sent to all registered teams in due course.
The organisers determines the sequence of team performances and have the discretion to change the schedule as and when it deems necessary.
Registration deadline: Saturday 31st July 2024 9pm
Participation is FREE for all teams but inclusion in the parade is subject to the
confirmation due to limited time and priority.
"Stage" conditions
Yosakoi teams will be required to dance both the STREET/PARADE version and the Stage version of your choreography this year.
1) STREET Version - the regular parade version of the dance whereby teams must TRAVEL down the road and cover minimum of 100ft in one song. Approximate length of the parade road is 560ft long = 170m. You are required to dance at least three times for the competition.
2) STAGE Version – using the same music, the stage version will be performed on a flat surface approximately 60ft x 60ft. You are required to dance only ONCE for the competition.
3) Any music in any language may be used
However additional points will be awarded if teams incorporate part of either Penang Sakura Ondo music or the Penang Zakura music.
3) Any style of choreography may be used
However, some reference to Yosakoi must be adhered to, either by way of Naruko or other props, dance moves or costume.
Judging Criteria
Judges will be scoring to the following criteria:
For Choreography
Choreography - difficulty of moves & degree of synchronisation
Originality & Creativity of Choreography and Dance Style
Presentation and Choreography for the Stage competition
Passion & Energy during Performance
Spatial awareness - good use of space (stage) & pace (street)
*It is a common complaint that teams do not move enough along the road. Points may be deducted if teams move too slowly and do not reach their finishing point by the time the music stops.
For Costume
Originality of Costume Design
Beauty - colour sense, overall team aesthetics of Costume
For Flags (optional)
Aesthetic Design of the flag based on relevance to 1) the team. 2) the performance
Because flags are optional, scores for the FLAG DESIGN will NOT be incorporated in the overall points for the performance. However, if flags are used during the performance, how it is used effectively will be considered as part of the judging for the overall performance. There will be a separate prize for the best flag.
For Team Spirit
How well the team is synchronised and works as a team
The SPIRIT and Energy of the team - if they are having fun and enjoy dancing
Determining the winner(s)
Winners are determined by aggregate points
All participating teams qualify for the OVERALL prizes of 1) OVERALL Winner 2) Outstanding Spirit 3) Best Costume and 4) Best Flag Design
More than one prize may be awarded to one team.
The decision of the judges is final.
Submission/ Registration
Please submit your team for inclusion into the Penang Yosakoi Parade 2022 by Online
Registration (Google Forms). Please submit your form ASAP to indicate your intention to participate.
You will also need to submit a description of your team and music online by the deadline.
Deadline: 31st July 2024 Midnight
If you are unable to submit your registration online, please download, print and fill the
and then send it to us by email to penangyosakoiparade@gmail.com. We regret that we do not accept forms by fax.